How to Write a Movie Review up to Standard

The process of creating a movie review is lengthy and complicated. Thus, it would be reasonable to ask, “How to write a movie review appropriately?” The most efficient method for producing a good piece of writing is to divide the writing process into several stages. In this way, you will be able to spend your time efficiently.

How to Make a Good Movie Review

1. Start writing a movie review with a captivating introduction

The introductory section should provide important data about the examined film, i.e. its title, release date, director’s name, etc. You can also add information about the received awards, budget, cast members, and the box office. Additionally, this section should include a thesis statement. Bear in mind that a good thesis statement is the essence of a critical part of your review. A thesis may perform different functions. Take a look at the points presented below.

  • It may show the connection between the chief idea illustrated in a film and current situation in the society.
  • It may highlight some similar features between the story line and your personal experience.
  • It may demonstrate the relationship between the topical content and technical elements used in a movie.

2. Give your assessment of the film

Provide your evaluation of the movie at the beginning of your review so that readers who lack time to read the entire paper can find out what the movie is about. Note that there is nothing wrong in presenting your personal opinion about the film in the first paragraphs.

3. Summarize a plot

Provide information about a couple of events depicted in a film but do not disclose the ending. If you use the so-called “spoilers,” you will ruin that pleasant feeling of excitement which people have trying to guess what will happen at the end of a movie. If you do intend to reveal some important details, warn readers about it.

4. Express your emotions

When describing the plot of a movie, you have to explain readers what emotions you have felt when watching specific scenes. Mention the most touching episodes and the moments that made your heart beat faster. In order to make your film review sample less formal, tell readers about your experience of watching movies.

5. Identify the goal of the film

Here, you have to uncover the reasons for which the film has been produced. The members of the team shooting a movie may help you handle the issue. However, if you do not have an opportunity to talk to them, you should scrutinize the plot thoroughly. Note that if a movie has an entertaining character, you should not try to find its hidden sense. The simplicity is what makes some films superior.

6. Provide some data about the filmmaking process

One of the most important elements of a movie review is a detailed analysis of the techniques used for shooting a film. Single out a couple of items which you consider essential for a specific movie. Mind the use of terms not to confuse readers. In your review, you may highlight the following points:

  • Cinematography
  • Here, it goes about the process of shooting a film. You may pick three cinematography-related aspects which you consider essential for understanding the movie. They are camera angles, distances, and movements.
  • Sound effects
  • You should not underestimate the influence of music playing in a film on viewers. The sounds we hear in films are divided into diegetic and non-diegetic. The former can be compared to birdsongs, thunder, conversations, etc. Such sounds usually accompany narrations. The latter is something like the voice overs.
  • Editing
  • The main purpose of editing is to establish a connection between all parts of a movie. It can be said that editors create the so-called world inside a film. In this way, they help people watching a movie get a sense of reality. In order to achieve the desirable effect, moviemakers employ different techniques such as eyeline match, arranging shots in a specific order, etc.
  • Mise-en-scène

This is a vital aspect which you should not skip if you are aimed at composing a quality review. It highlights everything that is shown on the screen. Actors’ looks, smiles, visual effects, and landscape details form the mise-en-scène.

7. Decipher a hidden meaning

A great film cannot be shallow. Good movies always include some elements, phrases, or other items that have a symbolic meaning and help viewers get a full understanding of a movie. You should be attentive not to miss any of such items. This is actually the answer to the question, “How to make a good movie review?”

8. Give examples

Remember that a good review is the one with illustrative examples. Using such phrases as “The actors’ play is fantastic” or “That scene is terrible” will not help readers realize whether the analyzed movie is worth being watched. Be thorough! For instance, when describing a specific hero, indicate the features that make the actor suitable for the role.

9. Make a powerful conclusion

Highlight the aspects of the movie, which you find the most impressive. State who you believe will consider the film thrilling and why. Bear in mind that a conclusion has to be persuasive so that readers understand whether the movie is worth their attention.

10. Proofreading stage

Read your review a few times to detect possible mistakes. Mind the grammar, syntax, spelling, etc. These are the main prompts on how to write a movie review.