The United Arab Emirates is home for numerous communities of expatriates that became so because of historical events. The most crucial of them were development of trade relations and drilling of numerous wells, which significantly raised the economy of the country and attracted foreign workers. Thus, the paper is based on the analysis of the past and present aspects of the country, which induced changes in terms of culture, language, and education and which will help to identify how the UAE society will grow in the multicultural environment.
History of the Emerging Communities
The analysis of the historical aspects showed that first human habitation and settlements appeared in the Emirates at the end of the Stone Age (IOR, n.d.). The development of the culture and improvement of the trade relations tied Emirates with the other countries that further caused emigration of Greek, Syrian, Iraqi, and Indian population. Thus, the development of Emirates induced formation the link between different cultures and growth of community groups. However, the most significant period is connected with development of oil production, which caused massive drilling of wells and establishment of new companies (IOR, n.d.). The companies started offshore activity that resulted in controlling of UAE economy by both nationals and expatriates. Discovery of oil on the territory of the Emirates prompted rapid growth of the UAE economy. UAE became the largest server of natural gas and oil that estimated 97,8 million barrels and 215 trillion cubic feet respectively (Countries and Their Cultures, n.d.). Today, the majority of UAE reserves are both offshore and onshore. The prosper of the country induced massive emigration of people from the other countries, especially from poor countries. In 1971, the government implemented the guest worker program, which was called the Kafala Sponsorship System and allowed nationals to hire migrant employees.
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Present Changes Caused by Numerous Communities
The greatest number of expatriates came to UAE from India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan and comprised 90% of private workforce of the country (Gulf Labour Markets and Migration, 2015). The massive flow of the foreign employees became the main reason of the culture, language, and education changes. The UAE attracted both low-and high-skilled employees because of the economic possibilities and relative political stability. In 2008, despite the drop of oil prices and the international banking crisis, the economy of the country continued to prosper that attracted more and more people (Gulf Labour Markets and Migration, 2015). The increase of the emigration caused creation of the specific communities that were grouped based on the interests, culture specifies, and language aspects. The good example is organization of nation-specific expand groups. The Abu Dhabi Irish Society and Aussie Abroad Abu Dhabi are founded to promote the Australian and Irish culture through the organization of the specific events, receiving the special benefits, and discounts from the local business (Tekkepat, 2016). Belgium Club Dubai created for the Belgians who live in Dubai is smaller group of the Belgian Business Council that was created in 2008 with the aim to provide the place where members can communicate with each other and receive the help from the businesspersons and authorities in the proactive manner (Tekkepat, 2016). Canadian business Council in Dubai is another necessary entity of the Canadian professional society in the world. The members cherish their culture and visit consulate and embassy events. Dubai Welsh Society was established in 1997 with the aim to expand the Welsh society community while living in Dubai. The group representatives meet every week and keep close relations (Tekkepat, 2016). The strong support also receives the NVDDubai that works with Deutch emigrants. Thus, living in Dubai people of other nations support each other and cherish their culture. In its turn, Dubai does not protest against such phenomenon because it enriches knowledge and helps them to improve the effective collaboration (Subaihi, 2011). However, the deep analysis of the phenomenon induced to make a conclusion that great number of cultures also has some influence on the attitude of Emirate nation. For example, people noticed that during the Ramadan, locally-made television shows poking fun at the alleged characteristics of the foreign communities (Subaihi, 2011). The radio commentator also criticized the presence of non-Arab communities. Besides, some Arab representatives complain that presence of diverse cultures caused increase of the criminal cases that reject the Arab culture. Such situation induced the foreign people to restrain their emotions and respect the traditions of Arab culture (Subaihi, 2011).

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The deep analysis also showed that a great number of UAE people does not reject presence of expatriates. Besides, the government also supports the clearness of the culture through the providence of the financial benefits only to the native Arab families (Subaihi, 2011). The investigation also showed that 52% of the expatriates are interested in learning the peculiarities of the UAE culture. The numerous foreign workers induce the businessmen of UAE to learn the cultural aspects of the expatriates with the aim to improve the relations at work. Today, only several percent of the expatriates have basic knowledge of Arabic and English languages (Subaihi, 2011). Thus, the government supports the foreign workers establishing the trainings that help to learn Arabic and English languages with the aim to facilitate the collaboration process.
The UAE universities with great pleasure invite the students from the other countries. Starting from 2007, the government understood the necessity to modify the study process and develop the new school model, orienting more on the critical thinking modelled on that of New South Wales. This required creation of new curriculum that also includes specific issues of study for the international students (Subaihi, 2012). The crucial moment was studying the English language that provided the students with more opportunities to find the well paid work and let them communicate easy in the Arab country. Thus, the changes related to the culture, language, and education are strongly connected with the desire to collaborate effectively that induces nationals and foreigners to adapt to the situation (Subaihi, 2012).
Future Changes for the UEA Society
The government of the UAE understands that foreign workforce has a significant positive influence on the economy of the country because it is cheap, it does not demand the high salary and additional commodities (Titzer, 2014). Private sector business considers such phenomenon very beneficial that induces raise of the economy in the country. However, the crucial factor is learning the foreign language. Thus, the changes will be positive only in case of studying English and Arab languages that will help to facilitate the communication and make the collaboration more productive (Titzer, 2014). On the other hand, improvement of relations will decrease the number of working places for the graduate students, which requires an elaboration of the specific strategy that will help to prevent the problem occurrence (Titzer, 2014).
The positive future change is raising the quality of the medical care with help of expatriates. The investigation of the experts showed that foreign medical professionals can understand more easily the needs of the patients of the other cultures (Subaihi, 2012). Thus, the foreign employees will continue to raise the economy because of their hardworking and low demands that are caused by the fear to lose their workplace.
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The analysis of the culture, language, and education changes showed that the UAE’s main reason for changes is effective collaboration that raises the economy of the country and simultaneously provides the expatriates with the high revenues. The crucial future task is increasing the learning of English language that will facilitate the communication and contribute to the development of the business because the foreign workers are usually cheap and productive workforce. However, the government should also control the massive emigration that can reduce the number of work places for graduated native students. Thus, the emigration can be positive for the UAE only in case of its rigid control.